Acupuncture is one part of a 2000 year old system of Chinese medicine that helps rebalance the mind, body and spirit to promote and improve a sense of well being.
Katherine is trained in Five Element, Traditional Chinese Medicine and has also studied Classical acupuncture, a style rooted in the original, ancient texts and the teachings of Jeffrey Yuen.
I was new to acupuncture but Katherine created an environment where I could feel comfortable with the process with regards to an unknown treatment.
Her understanding of my concerns and her knowledge of the acupuncture remedies enabled meant she could adapt the treatment to overcome these and achieve the desired outcome. For me, the creation of trust in a practitioner is so important. - JW
Katherine saw me for seven weeks in June & July of this year. She was highly professional & I had a noticeable improvement in my symptoms. Her Acupuncture point location is spot on and there is no doubt that she is getting the needles exactly where they need to be. She is calm & empathetic & I would highly recommend her to anyone for Accupuncture treatment. - L.D
The acupuncture clinic is located in Woolton Hill, near Newbury, on the border between Hampshire and West Berkshire. Clients come from Thatcham, Hungerford, Didcot, Abingdon, Winchester, Wantage, Witney and Shaftsbury. It is within reach of Southampton, Oxford, Wokingham, and Swindon, Portsmouth, Whitchurch, Reading, Bracknell, Salisbury, Andover, and Basingstoke. Tel: 07585022787